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How it Works

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Super Deals
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How to Redeem

Begin Here

You must be logged in and navigate to stores from our website in order to earn rewards.
We can only pass on to you rewards from purchases that stores know came through us. This is done through coding built into our links to these shops. So start here first. We want you to receive all rewards you deserve.

Go Shopping

While you are shopping through our mall, you will be recieving points which you can monitor through "My Account." You must shop through the Mall the earn points. Each point=$1.00


This card is issued by TAB pursuant to a license from Discover Network. Discover and the Discover acceptance mark are service marks used by TAB under license from Discover Financial Services.

Where to load points

You will receive a $0.00 Must Discover Card when you earn $50 in reward through the Mall, or you may purchase a card for $30 which includes, the card, $5 loaded on to the card, and a $25 certificate. You may then load your points on to the card through your "My Account".